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The Soul in Action: Mystical wisdom for today's challenges (6 classes)

Pride. Meekness. Anger. Complacency. What soul trait blocks you from being the person you want to be? Join Rabbis David Curiel and Getzel Davis for an experiential Jewish mysticism combining Jewish meditation and middot (soul traits/personal attributes). We will study Likutei Etzot, a distillation of the teachings on middot by Rebbe Nachman of Breslev. Each week we will address a different middah (singular for middot) and reflect together on how to work on it. We will conclude each class with embodied meditation to integrate and reflect on each trait in our lives. The hope is to also gather in person on occasion to engage in Rebbe Nachman’s meditative outdoor practice known as hitbodedut.

Tuesdays 8pm-9:30pm EDT

Oct: 12, 19, 26 Nov: 2, 9, 16

Mostly online, with some opportunities to meet in the Cambridge area

Cost: $90 per person

Register now to save your spot in the class!

Full registration, including payment, will be sent out in September.

Offered through Hebrew College Open Circle Jewish Learning.

September 26

Celebrate & Connect: Jewish Holiday Couples' Series

October 14

Mystical Connections: Kabbalistic Teachings on Relationships and Intimacy (8 sessions)